Build a Free Web Site with Yola!

Build a free web site using Yola sitebuilder. It is absolutely free! Of course if you want to personalize your URL address you still need to invest in a domain name. Otherwise just use Yola's subdomain!

So how did I use a subdomain like First off the web hosting company must have the ability to use A Records mapping. Yola free web site cannot use CNAME, they can only use A Records. So make sure when you use a web hosting company, they are able to do so. (eg Bluehost, Exabytes, Cynet, etc are some suggestions, they can do both CNAME and A Records domain mapping)

When you sign up with Yola, they will provide the DNS number, use that number to request your web hosting company to point your domain or subdomain using A Records to this DNS number. Wait for about 24 hours for the DNS to propogate. Usually just a few hours waiting is required but you never know it might take longer. Key in the URL (domain or subdomain) and see if it works, just like this site!

Yola uses a free web site builder to make your own web site. You can still modify the HTML/CSS somewhat but it will take some work. So I'll just use their free templates as it will take some time to modify it. Anyway this is to show case the free web hosting services provided by Yola to build a free web site. Of course if you like their free web site builder system and you want to expand your web site further, you can sign up with them.

Using a free web site builder has its limitation, like if you have created your own web site template or obtained another web site template elsewhere, you will find  you are unable to plug it into the web site. So the overall web site layout for this example web site does not look at all like my main web site. 

Other than that, Yola free web site looks pretty easy to use. To fully explore Yola's web site creation I will have to create more pages. Anyway this is just for my evaluation, and I would still prefer the good ol' normal web site hosting setup. But if this right for you, then why not just give it a go! After all, it is provided free!


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